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I'm a Science Fiction fan having been raised on Star Wars. Besides typical science fiction stuff I collect comics (more hero inclined than SF) and I've played a lot of roleplaying games, and hope to in the future. Like most people I also enjoy movies. I would consider myself slim with a weight of 73kg and a height of 186cm. I am not much of a sportsman even if I've had my share of "soccer-practice" and so on.

I graduated high school with a concentration on science (math, chemistry, physics, biology). However my university studies up to date are mostly linguistic. I consider myself "above average" intelligent but only on certain subjects. I can get real lost when it comes to people interaction and my ex-girlfriend calls me a tad naive. Therefore, especially on the net, I prefer it when people are straitforward and don't beat around the bush too much, even if I'm no better at it than anyone else.

Name: Tmitm
Drives: C4, C6h or C12
Flies: BMU Inc.
Reads: Science Fiction
Fav movie: Star Wars

Listens to: S.P.O.C.K
Loves: searching...
Fav food: Pickled herring with potatoes
Occupation: Student & part-time slave (but it pays pretty good)

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